Hurricane Preparedness Survey

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Opened 11 Sep 2024


Hurricane Ivan GOV.KY Tile

This brief survey is intended to gather important insights from the public regarding changes in preparedness and perceptions over the last two decades since Hurricane Ivan.

We are seeking to understand how our communities have adjusted their disaster readiness strategies and views on natural disasters in the aftermath of the devastating event.

Take the Survey

Why your views matter

Your participation is critical to this effort, as it will help provide a clearer picture of how public awareness and preparedness have evolved since Ivan, allowing us to assess both strengths and areas for improvement.

How information collected will/might be used

The survey is designed to be simple and convenient, requiring just a few minutes to complete. Your responses will give us valuable data that can directly influence future disaster preparedness programs, policies, and community initiatives.

Understanding the progress made in disaster readiness, as well as any ongoing challenges, will be vital in shaping the future of our community’s disaster response efforts. This is especially important as we face an increasing frequency of extreme weather events.

All feedback collected through this survey will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be used only for research purposes. The goal is to learn from your experiences and perspectives so we can enhance our strategies for dealing with future storms, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.

Your honest feedback—whether it highlights improvements, concerns, or gaps—will allow us to better understand what has worked and what still needs to be addressed in terms of disaster preparedness. By contributing your opinions and experiences, you are playing a crucial role in helping our community grow stronger and more resilient. We know that disaster preparedness is an ongoing process, and your input will guide decision-makers in ensuring that both individuals and communities are better prepared and informed in the face of future natural disasters.

Your involvement can help create a safer and more responsive environment for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your input is incredibly valuable and will directly contribute to improving the safety and readiness of our community as we continue to face the challenges posed by hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Together, we can build a more resilient future.


  • Survey


  • Climate Resiliency